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Director´s Corner: About

Maflor Svandís 

Loving Act/JLKJLU Mission/BROSIS Group Founder/Organizer


2018-Present    Brosis Group Founder/Admin


2018-Present  Brosis Football Club Founder/Coordinator


2017-18 Brosis School    Co-Founder/Program Coordinator

                                     Volunteer Assistant Teacher


Make A Difference With Your Heart


Behave Wisely. A wise man's heart leads him to do right, and a fool's heart leads him to do evil.

- Ecclesiastes 10:2


"The key to accessing the heart's wisdom about the meaning of life is by attending to the lessons of our hearts; we can glean insight into the meaning of our lives."


"A particular lesson the heart can teach us about life's puzzle can be found in The Book of Ecclesiastes."


"King Solomon, a powerful king who can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, without restraint.

What lesson has this king learned after a lifetime of pursuing wealth, possessions, pleasure, and otherworldly goals?

The king finds wisdom and knowledge meaningless."


Remember to find your worth in Jesus, not things of this world.

- Maflor 

IM, Loving Act - JLKJLU Mission

Kenya: Volunteer 2017-18




"To Nurture Heart-Brain Connection

Is For Lifelong Learning"

- LovingAct, JLKJLU Mission & BROSIS Group/Football/Library

"When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts."

- Dalai Lama


An education that combines the two is the most effective and best way for our children to learn, and the true heart of teaching beyond technique is from the heart, not from the book. A teacher must have motherly/fatherly love with their students, who has the children's best interest at heart.


Teaching children happiness, humility, empathy, altruism, and compassion have proven beneficial results for lifelong learning and shows them to respect our shared humanity and care.


Children watch their parents and other adults for clues on how to react. Keep in mind that our children will pay a lot more attention to what you do. Suppose you say one thing and do another. In that case, The old warning "Do as I say, not as I do" does not work, particularly when it comes to teaching gentleness in a violent world where slum and unfortunate children experience injustice in government systems and at their homes.


We can guide these slum children the better way. We can choose to educate their self-knowledge and inner wisdom and choose to walk in truth and love. 


Remember your goals and have more humility -- Stay humble. Being humble is an important life skill.  As a result of this, you gain control over your attitude and outlook on life.

Accepting who we are and what makes us human.


Loving Act/ JLKJLU Mission - Africa

“Let all that you do be done in love.”  1 Corinthians 16:14



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